My background.
- 1. Born in 1949
- 2. Swedish Air force 1968 - 1979 - (1987).
- Aircraft; SK50 Safir, SK105, A32, AJ37 all SAAB aircraft
- 3. SAS Scandinavian Airlines from 1979.
- Aircraft; A340, DC8, DC9, MD80, F28.
- 4. At present captain on A340.
- 5. Member of VATSIM and controller in Scandinavian VACC.
- 6. Pilot in
SVA.Scandinavian Virtual Airlines.
- 7. Callsign on the Internet SAS093.
- 8. Playing Swedish folkmusic (violin).
- Check the homepage of
Tensta Spelmanslag
Somewhere in all this, I got a family too. Wife, daughter, 1 Cat and a 2 horses (I don`t
ride them, just paying the bill.)