All speeds refers to the DC9 speedbooklet.
Vp = pattern speed. Va = approach speed.

Both engines operating.

3.Turning base leg.
" Flaps 25 "
Start descent
Vp 25
2. Abeam RWY end.
Timing, approx. 40 sec
" Gear down "
" Flaps 15 "
Level flight at 1 500ft
1. Downwind.
" Speed brakes in, flaps 5 "
Vp 5.
Level flight at 1 500ft
VMC approach pattern
4. On base leg.
" Flaps 40 "
" Complete checklist "
Va 40 +10 until on final
5. Final turn completed.
Reduce to Va 40.

In case of drag requirement due to excessive altitude or speed, landing flaps may be selected earlier provided that the speed is Va 40 + 10kt or more and the bank angle is less than 30º. Do not allow the speed command pointer to stay in the slow range.

One engine inoperative.

No difference from Both engines operating except
- After " Flaps 25 " order " Complete checklist ".
- Rolling out on final, reduce to Vth 25 over threshold.