How to use this diagram; example RWY 19 (heading 190°), wind 160°/30KT.
Enter the vertical scale at 30, then follow the circle to 30°. Follow the line vertical down and find the crosswind component of 15KT and the minimum recommended braking coefficient of 25.
Crosswind limits vs braking action

Wind limit diagram

Valid for RWY width 40M or more.

Recommended Crosswind limits with snow or ice on runways.

Pilots -in-command are strongly advised to limit the crosswind component accepted for takeoff and landing as indicated in the diagram. Normally ask for and use braking action in terms of friction coefficient, if obtainable. Use linear interpolation between above figures.

Rules regarding braking action.

When different braking actions are reported along a runway, the reported values should be applied as follows:
  • For takeoff and landing calculations; Use the average value for the far two thirds.
  • For determination of maximum crosswind; Use the lowest value for the whole runway. If the required runway length is less than the available runway, the limitations may be based on the lowest value for the required runway.
When airport temperature is close to zero and there is standing water, slush or wet snow on the runway, following BA shall be used, unless reported µ gives larger restrictions;
  • Entire runway covered or deposits in patches covering more than 50% of the runway; POOR.
  • Deposits in patches covering 26 - 50% of the runway; MEDIUM to POOR.
Exception; BA measured at 95 km/h by BV 11 or SAAB SFH may be used for corrections and limitations.
Caution; Aquaplaning can be expected at speeds exceeding 110KT and at touchdown to 95KT.